Friday, June 11, 2010

Over the Edge

It is amazing how one single incident can make you so enraged that you go and do something blogging.

It all started yesterday in a place that usually causes me a different kind of frustration; work. It makes sense that I was at the lesser of my two jobs. This stimulating work I do involves slinging coffee for minimum wage. It makes me feel so good to know that I make the same wage as the idiots who have a hard time dropping french fries in a fryer. But I digress, the wonderful staff at Micky D's will have their day.

 Every work day at the coffee shop is mostly predictable with the exception of yesterday. As I am working, a somewhat worn woman walks up to the drive-thru window. I immediately go over and greet her when I get a very mumbled sounding and confusing response. The only parts I could understand were "you not hiring" and "fill out my papawork." She then hands me a paper from the South Carolina Employment Commission to certify that she applied to work as a coffee slinger. Confused and perplexed, I filled her sheet out without even looking if she applied. As she walked away toward the KFC I had a moment of clarity, that woman tricked me into filling out her sheet so she could reap the multitude of entitlements the government obviously decided to bestow upon her. Of course it gets better, and when I say better I mean in the same way that lethal injection is better than the electric chair. As this rough looking lazy unemployed taxpayer money receiving leech reaches the parking lot of KFC she immediately heads in an unexpected direction. Directly toward the BRAND SPANKING NEW Chrysler 300 with some shiny new rims.

How on God's green earth can someone who has no job and obviously no motivation have a brand new car?

It's pretty damn simple. When you are getting everything you could possibly need from the government why not go and buy a Chrysler 300. Kinda makes me I wish i could be suckeling the teet of the government too so I don't have to work and can trade in my 1998 Honda Accord for something a little nicer.

Shame on me for being born into the middle class with family members who have worked hard all their lives. Shame on me for working two jobs and paying my taxes. Shame on me for going to college to better myself.

Shame on me for tolerating such ignorance for so long.